We are inviting researchers and experts in the field of Environmental and Energy Economics to contribute to a special issue of the Economic Analysis journal. This special issue, “Environmental and Energy Economics,” aims to showcase the latest knowledge and developments in these critical areas.

This special issue is an extension of the 15th Institute of Economic Sciences and 4th PROFEEDBACK International Scientific Conference, focusing on environmental and energy policy, energy economics and markets, climate change, and environmental economics and finance. We also welcome contributions from other experts interested in addressing these pressing topics.

Call for Papers: Special Issue Topics include:

- Environmental and Energy Policy
- Energy Economics and Markets
- Climate Change and Environmental Economics and Finance

We encourage submissions that provide insights into the interconnections between environment, economics, energy, sustainability, social transition, business, and finance.

Submission Guidelines:

Submitted papers should follow the appropriate structure of the Economic Analysis journal.

Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024
Expected Publication: Autumn 2024

Guest Editor:

Petar Mitić
Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia

Guest Co-Editors:

Stephan Schlüter
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural and Economic Sciences, University of Applied Sciences, Ulm, Germany

Milena Kojić
Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia

We invite you to contribute your expertise to make this special issue a success.

For any questions or concerns, please contact  journal secretary by email jelena.banovic@ien.bg.ac.rs.

To submit your paper, please visit the journal website.

Thank you for considering this invitation, and we look forward to your participation in this exciting venture.