The Upsurgence of Clusters in the Light of Globalization
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Clusters, as system of companies anchored in a region, contribute and ensure the long-term world competitiveness of national production. The object of this paper is to demonstrate that globalization opens restrictions on growth potential, which can be exploited by the clusters in order to position themselves on the world markets by maximizing on the benefits of global competition. Thus, clusters use the advantages of globalization (including a myriad of networks), channeling the negative effects the latter may cause (taking as an example industrial espionage which has become increasingly prevalent). Clusters can therefore be a means for firms to be competitive at a time of globalization and, at the same time, be integrated in the process. Portraying a policy of growth, most European countries – such as France - have adopted this new industrial policy, which is being introduced in its turn in some Mediterranean countries (like Morocco for instance).
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