Remote Work Opportunities for the Persons with Disabilities A Literature Review

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Marcelle de la Roche
Vladimir Simović


This research represents one of the first literature reviews of remote work opportunities for persons with disabilities. Given the fact that persons with disabilities represent almost 15% of the total world population and that this category of people is facing huge challenges in terms of employment inclusion and risk of poverty, it is obvious that remote work arrangements provide excellent employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. This argument in combination with enormous growth of the remote work platforms and digital entrepreneurship, represents a key reason for the rising interest of the research community in this topic. The aim of this research was to identify the current state of the academic literature in the area of remote work opportunities and persons with disabilities and to identify gaps in our current understanding of this field, as a basis for some future research recommendations. Insight, critique and transformative redefinition of the current academic literature on remote work and persons with disabilities was applied to analyze and synthesize the literature. In total, around 80 articles were analyzed by theoretical focus, methodology, time, and geography. Google Scholar search was conducted during December 2022 using a comprehensive search strategy built around the following major topics: 1. persons with disabilities in the labor market, 2. remote work and the persons with disabilities, and 3. remote work capacity of the persons with disabilities. The results of this research show that the research on remote work capacity of the persons with disabilities is fragmented and that more studies, covering different aspects of remote work opportunities for persons with disabilities are needed, especially those which will be quantitative in their nature and more integrative. This research has contributed towards better understanding of the literature gaps in regards to remote work opportunities for the persons with disabilities and pointing to some future research directions such as skills and competences of the persons with disabilities for remote work, the challenges of remote work for persons with disabilities, and the requirements of the remote work platforms and other remote work opportunities.

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Author Biography

Vladimir Simović, Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia

In addition to his role within the Institute of Economic Sciences, dr Vladimir Simovic holds the rank of Associate Professor  in the Scientific Research Center,  Australian University