Application of Batch and Automated (STP) Processes in Banking – Case Study Aseba BI

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Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović
Marko Ranković
Svetlana Krsmanović


Strong competition in banking market has led to a significant reliance of banks on information technology. In the last decade, main progress has been made in introducing straight-through processing (STP) and batch processing in banking information systems. In this paper we analyse the impact of application of these processes in banks. We choose four parameters to follow: system quality information quality, service quality and user satisfaction. As a sample of case study we select Aseba BI integrated banking information system, produced by ASSECO-SEE. Through the analysis of several examples: batch processing in core banking system, batch processing in credit module, STP in national payment processes, STP in international payment processes, automation of Treasury back office (TBO) and Treasury (Trading) and Securities trading we conclude that batch processing and STP have great impact on selected parameters.

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ASSECO-SEE, Reports and internal material.
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