Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation Performance of Established Ventures: Case of Iranian Vanguard Companies

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Zahra Minafam


Corporate entrepreneurship is increasingly drawing the attention of different scholars of organizational innovation. More than three decades of studies are available in this domain; however, the relationship is rarely scrutinized. This manuscript attempts to contribute to the literature through investigating the role of corporate entrepreneurship on innovation performance of the firms. A quantitative research design is used to study the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and innovation performance of the firms. To do so, 178 firms, in three main cities of Iran, were studied through a survey. Results show that corporate entrepreneurship affects the rates of process innovation and product innovation, as well as the technology indicators of the established firms. Some contradictory evidence is also mentioned in the findings, which are elaborated future researchers. The originality of the manuscript goes back to studying the concept in an emerging market, i.e. Iran. Also, technology indicators are rarely discussed in the literature, which are studied in this research. It is advised, based on the findings, to improve process innovation as well as product innovation, along with technology indicators through improving corporate entrepreneurial activities. The main limitation of the research was to encourage managers to complete the questionnaire. To handle this limitation, the researcher held face to face meetings, in order to increase the response rate.

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