• SEE - 6 Economic Outlook

    SEE-6 Economic Outlook is a biannual publication in English published by the members of the SEEA association from 2015. Publication gives an overview of economic trends and short-term forecasts for the six countries of Southeast Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia,  Serbia and Slovenia. Each issue also provides an analysis whereby these countries are compared from the perspective of one current economic topic.

    The member institutions of the international association SEEA are: The Institute of Economics Sarajevo; The Institute for Development and International Relations, Zagreb; The University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics Podgorica; The Institute of Economics – Skopje, University "SS. Cyril and Methodius"; Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana and Institute of Economics Sciences, Belgrade.


  • JWEE

    Founded in 2008, the Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (JWEE) is dedicated to fostering research, analysis and study concerning the entrepreneurship and education of women. The journal is published by the Institute of Economic Sciences twice a year (May and November) in electronic format, in English.

    Considering main topics such as entrepreneurial potential and gender impact, gender differences and socio-economic environment in the development of entrepreneurial intentions, the resilience of women-owned businesses, entrepreneurial leadership (gender aspects), female entrepreneurship and organizational culture, entrepreneurial education of women, as well as the participation of authors from more than 50 countries, it has fully justified its international importance and reputation.

    The journal is included in the following indexing databases: EconLit-American Economic Association, RePEc, ECONBIZ, DOAJ, ROAD and Scopus. According to the latest edition of the SCImago Journal Rank (powered by Scopus), the Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (JWEE) published by the Institute of Economic Sciences has been awarded Q3 status for the category Business, Management, and Accounting (miscellaneous) and category Q2 Gender Studies for 2023.

    Since 2024, JWEE has been classified as an International Journal (M23) according to the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation.

    Chief Editor is Acad. Prof. Dr Mirjana Radović-Marković, is also the creator and the founder of the journal.

    Editorial team


  • Economic Analysis

    Economic Analysis  is a scientific journal published by the Institute of Economic Sciences (IES). It is published twice a year (in June and in December) in English, as e-version. Economic Analysis's mission is to inform scientific and professional public about the results of original research in the field of economics, as well as about the positive public policies intended for surpassing the identified challenges.

    Since 2018, the journal is ranked as the leading national journal (M51) in the filed of economics and organizational science according to the decree of the Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia.

    For any information, you can contact us on e-mail jelena.banovic@ien.bg.ac.rs

  • NMSP

    Nacionalna mreža srednjih preduzeća (NMSP) predstavlja publikaciju koja ima za cilj stvaranje osnove za kontinuirano praćenje i izveštavanje o uspešnosti poslovanja srednjih preduzeća registrovanih na teritoriji RS. Publikacija se od 2016. godine objavljuje jednom godišnje. Pored osnovnih pokazatelja poslovanja publikacija sadrži preporuke namenjene kreatorima makroekonomske politike u Republici Srbiji i menadžmentu srednjih preduzeća.

  • Monografije

    Od osnivanja Instituta ekonomskih nauka 1958. godine jednu njegovih od važnih delatnosti predstavlja izdavačka delatnost. Reč je o publikacijama domaćeg i međunarodnog karatkera i značaja koje izdajemo samostalno i u saradnji sa drugim institucijama.

    U ovom delu možete pogledati hronološki pregled izdanja Instituta ekonomskih nauka u periodu 1992. do danas.

  • Tematski zbornici

    U ovom delu možete pogledati hronološki pregled tematskih zbornika koje Institut ekonomskih nauka samostalno ili u saradnji sa drugim institucijama publikovao od 1992. godine do danas.