Improving Entrepreneural Marketing Learning: A Study of Business Graduates, Pakistan
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This research aims to investigate the desire of students to be an entrepreneur with respect to the two dimensions of entrepreneurial mindset & satisfaction with entrepreneurial marketing issues i.e. variables using model in department of business administration of university of Sargodha.
Investigation was executed on 130 suitable responses. Reliability of scale was tested by means of Cronbach’s Alpha statistic. Correlation investigation was done to study the association among entrepreneurial mindset & satisfaction with entrepreneurial marketing issues (independent variables) and desire to be an entrepreneur. Additionally Regression investigation was done to examine hypothesis.
The statistical examination of the study discovered that there is a significant & positive relation among entrepreneurial mindset & desire to be an entrepreneur. Further this research reveals that satisfaction with entrepreneurial marketing issues has greater impact on student’s desire to be an entrepreneur. The study has payed attention on the students of business department. Extra investigation is desired at different department’s level with an increased sample size that will help in increasing its generalizability.
This research shows that by giving greater focus on satisfaction with entrepreneurial marketing issues, will ultimately lead to the student’s desire to be an entrepreneur. Training & knowledge of entrepreneurial marketing would make students competent for new startups.
This investigation is the pioneer that studies the desire to be an entrepreneur from student’s perspective in Pakistan.
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