Analysis of Students' Approach to the Study of Informatics During Pandemic Quarantine

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Dana Paľová
Miroslava Nyulasziová
Martin Vejačka


The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent quarantine measures to stop its spread in particular states have significantly affected the educational process at all levels of the educational system. Almost instantly, teachers and students were forced to change their common practices in education, access to information and its sharing, including our educational institution. Although the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle was previously actively used in the educational process of our course, in order to streamline studies in state of emergency, it was necessary to change the approach in its environment. It was required to implement and actively use multiple tools of LMS which have not been used before and to change the rules of implementation and evaluation of the students. Our course is dedicated to the informatics for the students of the economic studies. In Slovakia, still persists the general opinion that information and communication technologies (ICT) should be the domain of men, because of its technical background, although there is a gradual improvement in the view of women in the field of ICT. Given the above facts, it was interesting to investigate, how this awareness of the need for active use of ICT and its knowledge will reflect in students’ activity during the studying of the subject. Therefore, during the pandemic quarantine, the activity of our students was monitored and their opinions and feelings were compared between the genders. The paper will show the description of the implementation and adjustment of the educational process during the pandemic quarantine and the subsequent evaluation of the data obtained from different perspectives, especially focusing on the different approaches of both genders in the study.

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Part I.