"Glass Ceilings" in the System of Public Administration in the Russian Federation

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Viktor Mokhov


The system of public administration in the Russian Federation is predominantly “female” in nature, women dominate as a part of civil servants. But does this fact mean that there are no “glass ceilings” in the public administration system that hinder the advancement of women to senior positions and the realization of their opportunities as managers? Based on the analysis of statistical data, we identified a significant gender asymmetry in the distribution of women and men by main job categories and groups, which indicates the presence of significant gender gaps in the public administration system. "Glass ceilings" appear in the structures of state power and administration at several critical points, which could be called as a kind of boundaries beyond which the representation of women in the system of government drops significantly. "Glass ceilings" are formed both at the local level (in certain job positions) and at the system level (when moving to higher positions in job categories or from civil service positions to public positions), which indicates the institutional nature of the “glass ceilings”.

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