Women Entrepreneurship Through “Self Help Group” in YSR District, India

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Levaku Rajani


The position of women and their status in any society is an index of its civilization. Women are to be considered as equal partners in the process of development. But, because of centuries of exploitation and subjugation, Indian women have remained at the receiving end. Women in India have been the neglected lot. The rate of growth of women employment in India is very low. This is because of the low growth rate of new and productive employment. The more attractive scheme with less effort is “Self Help Group” under micro finance. It is a tool to remove poverty and improve the women entrepreneurship and financial support in India. ASHGs is a small economically homogeneous affinity group of the rural poor voluntarily coming together to save small amount regularly. The present paper is mainly focusing the women entrepreneurship and economic empowerment of women after they joining SHGs in YSR District, A.P. India. It concluded that SHG movement in study area has helped in improving the economic status of the families. 

Article Details

Part I. Case Studies of Women Entrepreneurs


[1] District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) report, Kadapa (2010), YSR District
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[3] Lalitha N.& B.S. Nagarajan (2002). Self Help Group in Rural Development. Dominant Publisher, New Delhi.
[4] www.lijjat.com