Women's Empowerment in The Framework of Developing Innovative Behavior for Women's Entrepreneurial Success
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The current study has several inconsistencies in the research findings regarding the association between structural and psychological empowerment and business success or performance. In addition, there is a gap phenomenon that occurs in Indonesia: although women's economic power is growing, their contribution to GDP is still relatively small, and their level of business innovation is low. By including the mediating variable of innovative behavior, this study seeks to close the research gap regarding the impact of psychological and structural empowerment on business success. 96 women entrepreneurs in Semarang City, Indonesia were the sample of this study. The data collection method is done by distributing questionnaires via Google Forms. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the WrapPLS 8.0 software was the analysis technique employed. The findings demonstrated that innovative behavior and entrepreneurial success were significantly enhanced by psychological and structural empowerment. Additionally, there is a strong positive correlation between innovative behavior and entrepreneurial success. Innovative behavior may operate as a mediating variable in the relationship between structural empowerment and entrepreneurial success. However, regarding psychological empowerment in entrepreneurial success, innovative behavior fails to be a mediating variable.
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