Empowering entrepreneurial success through the development of interpersonal skills and business plans in women entrepreneurs
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Women's entrepreneurial success can be achieved through the development of soft skills and the development of business plans to enhance business management skills. The study evaluated the impact of an entrepreneurial program focused on soft skills and business plan development through a pre-experimental methodology; a pre-and post-test was conducted on 28 women participants of the "Emprende Mujer" group over eight sessions. The main findings revealed a significant improvement in the soft skills of the women, as well as overcoming the lack of knowledge about the structure of a business plan, with a value of (p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, the business program proved to be effective for women entrepreneurs in search of business sustainability. This study highlights the importance of acquiring soft skills through experience. At the same time, the creation and development of business plans require educational intervention by specialists, as a lack of knowledge in key areas such as marketing and operations can hinder the growth of ventures.
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