Empowering Women in Agribusiness: A Fuzzy VIKOR Approach to Personnel Selection

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Slađana Vujičić
Miroslav Nedeljković
Marjan Marjanović


This study addresses the challenges of personnel selection in modern management, particularly focusing on women's roles in agribusiness - a critical sector for economic stability and sustainability. The research method used in the paper was multi-criteria decision-making, or fuzzy logic, in selecting the most suitable candidate as one of the basic goals of work. In these cases, it is necessary to apply fuzzy decision-making logic, which would reduce the existing uncertainty in the selection process. Research shows that including women in the agricultural sector can significantly enhance productivity and innovation, key for maintaining market competitiveness. Also, the application of the Fuzzy VIKOR method identified Candidate 5 as the optimal choice, demonstrating the method’s effectiveness in multi-criteria decision-making. The importance of the research is the existence of a good basis for further research on this topic in other areas, as well as in the further development of multi-criteria decision-making methods that are used for these purposes.

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