Empowering Women in Serbian Rural Areas with Entrepreneurial Initiatives
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Entrepreneurial initiatives represent an important tool for the economic empowerment of women in rural areas, allowing them to generate additional sources of income, reduce poverty rates, and improve their social integration. This research analyzes the role of entrepreneurial initiatives in empowering women in rural areas of Serbia, with a particular focus on their economic and social aspects. The direct economic effects of entrepreneurial initiatives, such as generating additional income and creating new jobs, are key aspects of economic empowerment for women in rural communities. At the same time, women entrepreneurship in rural areas can serve as a tool to mitigate migration and promote more balanced regional development. For the purposes of this research, a survey method was used, and the study was conducted on a sample of 73 women living in rural areas of the Republic of Serbia from July to September 2024. The data was analyzed using SPSS software. The results of this research indicate significant economic and social benefits of entrepreneurial initiatives, which contribute to the economic independence and social empowerment of women in rural areas but also highlight challenges such as limited access to finances, education, and training. This research emphasizes the need for greater support from local and state institutions, as well as the importance of networking among women entrepreneurs to enhance their access to resources and markets.
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