Emotional Intelligence of the Eemployees in Serbia – Gender Differences
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TThe main goal of this paper is to examine the correlation between emotional intelligence and gender of the participants.
The survey covered 240 participants. According to the gender structure, the sample could be considered equable enough, 45% of the participants are males, and 55% females. About 50% of the sample are workers, while the other half is constituted by managers and owners.
The instruments used are: Emotional Competence Questionnaire, Personality Questionnaire, Questionnaire for measuring the family attachment, Humour Styles Questionnaire, Satisfaction with Life Scale.
Only a part of the results relating to gender differences on the three scales that measure emotional intelligence will be represented in this paper: the ability to perceive and understand emotions, the ability to express and label emotion, the ability to regulate emotions.
The results indicate that employed women, comparing to their male colleagues, achieve better results on the three dimensions of emotional intelligence: the ability to perceive and understand emotions, the ability to express and label emotions, the ability to regulate emotions. In the key aspects of emotional intelligence such as self-awareness, awareness of the consequences of actions and empathy, women have better results than their male colleagues as it is evident in this research.
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