The Strategy of Position as a Key to Success

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Mirjana Prljević


In the beginning of the eighties when a kind of trade revolution began, there were first serious attempts to develop the strategy of positioning in trade. Practically, there were attempts to synthesize the differentiation strategy based on competition (the objective is to have more successful and profitable offer than the competitive one) and the segmentation strategy based on consumers (the objective is to create a unique package offer for a desired, target segment of consumers). The first attempts to theorize the concept of positioning in trade can be found ten years later after it developed among producers. Thus the emphasis in the positioning strategy of commercial enterprises is placed on the specific position directed at the specific competitors. With the development of the market, globalization and information revolution, commercial enterprises were increasingly growing, gaining strength and internationalizing their position. Traditional marketing strategies gain importance only when modified and adapted to local markets. The motto “Think globally, act locally” becomes more important with the development of a strategy which is unique in its structure - the strategy of positioning. “French Open”, a worldwide successful tennis tournament as one of the products of French Tennis Federation, is an example of profitable and well-done strategy of positioning.

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