The Role of the Partner of an Entrepreneur

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Beatrice Avolio
Sandra García Dulanto
Ross Knutson
Luis Augusto Maldonado
José Carlos Peñaloza Rojas
Ricardo Van Dyck Arbul


This research examines the role of one’s partner in the motivation of the entrepreneur in the small and medium enterprise. This impact has been analyzed in terms of the hierarchy of needs as explained in the Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham Maslow (1991). The study uses a qualitative analysis of twenty-two cases of entrepreneurs who have had partners in the initial or growth stage of the company, and who have up to fifteen years in the market and that sell less than fifteen million dollars annually. The results of the study show that the motivation of the partner seems to be a factor that is valued and recognized by the entrepreneurs, and the entrepreneurs of both genders acknowledge the moral support of their partners as one of the major factor in the development and growth of their businesses.
Among its practical implications, the research provides a theoretical framework for understanding the motivational role of the partners and the entrepreneurs and establishes that entrepreneurs who have managed to stay in the activity of the new business with the support of the partner seem to be perceived as successful people. The originality and value of this study is that it provides primary information on the relationship between the businessperson and his/her partner and contributes to the understanding of the role of partners in the development of the business activities of an entrepreneur.

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