Entrepreneurial Intention of Indian Women University Students The Role of Entrepreneurial Self-Assessment and Entrepreneurial Passion
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It is critical to understand various hurdles placed on women graduates in emerging markets and to devise strategies to overcome these obstacles. Individuals who engage in entrepreneurial self-assessment easily finds the right track and will be able to determine the ideal scope of their venture prior to even getting started. The model utilized in this research could be a first step in identifying women who have a specific degree of entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurial intent. According to the findings, entrepreneurial self-assessment has favorable correlation with entrepreneurial purpose. In order to succeed, the first step is to engage in some form of self-understanding. The tasks that are included in self-assessment help an individual to understand their own capability. A favorable evaluation of one's capacity for self-employment results in an individual's enhanced intention to engage in entrepreneurial behavior. The hypothesis contends the connection between self-assessment and entrepreneurial intention, mediated by entrepreneurial passion. This study makes contribution to the existing research on the characteristics that lead individuals to have entrepreneurial inclinations based on a self-assessment of their own capabilities. This study is in line with the growing interest in research into factors that motivate women to pursue business opportunities on their own.
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