Digital Competences as a Precondition for an Inclusive Digital Economy - Is There a Gender Gap Among Persons with Disabilities in Serbia?
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Digital labour platforms provide lower barrier access to employment and income generation for all, having a great potential to create almost equal opportunities for persons with different forms of disabilities to engage in the labour market while contributing to their inclusive employment. However, to be able to provide adequate services to their distant employers, remote workers must possess a sufficient level of digital competences, skills and knowledge. Accordingly, the paper seeks to assess the level of digital competences of persons with disabilities in Serbia and to establish whether there are any gender-related differences in that regard. The results obtained aim to identify the gap between the existing and required competences for starting an entrepreneurial venture or finding a job using freelance platforms. The paper’s main contribution reflects the fact that digital competences of persons with disabilities in Serbia in the context of their self-employment are a topic insufficiently explored in the existing literature.
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