Entrepreneurial Education As a New Paradigm of the Development of Women Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Serbia

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Nenad Ravić
Zorana Nikitović


Women entrepreneurship in Serbia has been facing numerous problems and it has been unjustly neglected in comparison with men entrepreneurship. The development of women entrepreneurship is of great importance for the economic growth of the country. In order to enhance the state of women entrepreneurship in Serbia, it is necessary to take a series of measures directed towards the improvement of economic activities, but also to continually work on the strengthening of crucial factors of competitiveness and the growth and development of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurial education plays an extremely important role in the development of entrepreneurship because it implies progress and improvement of employees in regards to their entrepreneurial activities, it develops the entrepreneurial way of thinking, and it encourages entrepreneurial spirit and increases the usability level of creative potentials. Long-term growth and development of women entrepreneurship in Serbia should be based exactly on the promotion of entrepreneurial education and on the development of knowledge and skills that would enable us to generate innovations.
This paper shows current trends in the entrepreneurial education in women entrepreneurship in the Republic of Serbia.

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Part II. Entrepreneurial Education


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